The ATXFC Samba
Austin FC
Creative Director, Executive Producer
What do Austinites love as much as Futbol? Food!
The Ask
Launch Austin FC’s first footwear collection with Adidas.
The Idea
An Austin-centric take on a “making the shoe” video juxtaposing Austin’s love for food and Austin FC. How is the Austin FC Samba made? Using local ingredients from iconic Austin spots. All of these ingredients come together in a quirky narrative piece prepared by Austin’s renowned Sushi Chef Yoshi Okai to a girls night out of Iconic Austin Musicians.
The Execution
We brought it all together with a main hero video and imagery dropped on the day of release. To build buzz leading up to the drop, we hosted an exclusive shoe preview activation at Otoko, along with a series of quirky teasers to get people excited.

Phase 1 - Teasers
Released one week out from the shoe release. The set of teasers were the highest performing merch teasers in Austin FC History.
Phase 2 - VIP Tasting at Otoko
We dropped an invite 3 days before the shoe was released to the public to Adidas Austin FC Athletes, Austin Influencers, Media, and Adiclub Members for a special Austin FC x Adidas dining experience with Austin Sushi Chef Yoshi Okai. Attendees were able to order a special Austin FC Themed Cocktail, get a specially made Sushi, glass of Sake and pick up their Sambas.

Phase 3 - The Drop
We launched with a hero video, still imagery, and event recap with players in the week following the launch.

The Result
The shoe sold out within minutes at our physical store, recorded major sales on MLS and Adidas web stores, along with earned media from Hype Beast, Nice Kicks, and local media.